TGCA TOYS In Hand and Ridden Classes
No known breeding required to enter these classes
No Membership required to Enter these Classes
TGCA Classes at Dacorum & District Riding Club – Affiliation No – 23/2105/2/STQ.
TGCA Breed classes are qualifiers for the Best of Breed Finals at the Traditional Gypsy Cob Association’s (TGCA) National Breed Championship Show “TOYS”.
Traditional Classes are open to all traditional gypsy cobs and are qualifiers for the Traditional Finals at ‘TOYS’.
Part Bred classes, are open to all part bred traditional gypsy cobs and are qualifiers for the part bred finals at “TOYS”. The exhibit must have one parent that is a traditional gypsy cob.
Stallions – All stallions (four years and over) in order to enter any TGCA affiliated class MUST be TGCA registered, have passed TGCA stallion evaluations and their TGCA stallion disc displayed on their bridle. Stallions and colts over the age of two, MUST be shown in a stallion bridle with a metal bit and chain lead as per the current TGCA rulebook.
Current TGCA members must present their Membership card and Qualification card to the judge in the ring for signature.
Non-members MUST receive a qualification card from the judge and have 21 days to join the TGCA and register their horse to validate the qualification. Please refer to for further details including membership, horse registration and showing rules (contained within the members handbook).
Quest for a Star Championship inc Youngstock Quest for A Star – TGC – 1st, 2nd and 3rd from the TGCA classes above may go forward to the Quest for a Star Championship as per below rule.
ONLY current TGCA members and horse/pony that is already TGCA registered can exhibit in this championship. If exhibit already has their Quest for a Star Qualification in particular section, they should be ask stand aside to allow members that have not yet qualified.
Membership card and Members qualification card (specific to that exhibit) must be presented upon entry into the ring. The Champion and Reserve qualify for the Ultimate Star Championships at TOYS.
The Greatest Gelding Award – TGC – The award is aimed to encourage the showing of geldings, therefore creating a market for often unwanted colt foals and enabling the creation of a network of potential performance prospects to represent the best Traditional Gypsy Cob breed in the World at the highest level.
This Award should be given to the highest placed registered Traditional Gelding. The judge will award this within the classes/championship.
Qualifier Show is April at DDRC.
Qualifier classes are as follows:
Youngstock (Class 8)
In Hand Senior (Class 9)
Ridden Senior (Class 10)
TGCA Breed classes are qualifiers for the Best of Breed Finals at the Traditional Gypsy Cob Association’s (TGCA) National Breed Championship Show “TOYS”.
Traditional Classes are open to all traditional gypsy cobs and are qualifiers for the Traditional Finals at ‘TOYS’.
Part Bred classes, are open to all part bred traditional gypsy cobs and are qualifiers for the part bred finals at “TOYS”. The exhibit must have one parent that is a traditional gypsy cob.
Stallions – All stallions (four years and over) in order to enter any TGCA affiliated class MUST be TGCA registered, have passed TGCA stallion evaluations and their TGCA stallion disc displayed on their bridle. Stallions and colts over the age of two, MUST be shown in a stallion bridle with a metal bit and chain lead as per the current TGCA rulebook.
Current TGCA members must present their Membership card and Qualification card to the judge in the ring for signature.
Non-members MUST receive a qualification card from the judge and have 21 days to join the TGCA and register their horse to validate the qualification. Please refer to for further details including membership, horse registration and showing rules (contained within the members handbook).
Go for Glory Championship – PB –1st, 2nd and 3rd from the TGCA part bred classes may go forward to the Go for Glory Championship. For 2024 TOYS qualifiers, the handler/rider and exhibits (apart from stallions) do not have to be TGCA members/registered on the date of the show. The Champion and Reserve qualify for the Crowning Glory Championships at TOYS.
The Greatest Gelding Award – Part Bred Gypsy Cobs The award is aimed to encourage the showing of geldings, therefore creating a market for often unwanted colt foals and enabling the creation of a network of potential performance prospects to represent the best Part Bred Traditional Gypsy Cob breed in the World at the highest level. This Award should be given to the highest placed registered Part Bred Traditional Gelding. The judge will award this within the classes/championship
Qualifier Show is April at DDRC.
Qualifier classes are as follows:
Part Bred Youngstock (Class 11)
Part Bred In Hand Senior (Class 12)
Part Bred Ridden Senior (Class 13)